Making Your Benefits Count!!

Get Wise... TSP wise!

Three-Legged Retirement Stool

If you’re covered by the Federal Employee Retirement System, FERS, you rely on a Three-Legged Retirement “Stool”.

First, is your basic Retirement Annuity. After you retire, you’ll receive a pension based on your salary and how long you worked with the federal government. Next, like most workers, you’ll be eligible for Social Security benefits AND you have the Thrift Savings Plan… the largest 401(k)-type plan in the world. Combined, these Three Retirement “Legs” need to provide enough money for you to live your ideal retirement when you’re no longer getting a paycheck.

Generally, you can only make your basic annuity and Social Security benefits grow higher by working longer or earning more money.

But the TSP is different. It’s the one piece that is almost entirely up to you. Saving consistently and making smart investment choices can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and a difficult one… and the lifecycle funds provide simple investment options as well. Plus, the TSP includes free money since your agency will match up to 5% of your salary… and remember free money is the best kind of money there is.

The TSP: No matter what your ideal retirement looks like, it’ll help you get there.

To learn more and get specific guidance on your unique situation, schedule a complimentary one-on-one consultation with a Federal Retirement Consultant℠ (FRC℠) Today…

…and Take Charge of Tomorrow.

(800) 476-4713